Monday, March 30, 2009

tweet, tweet, twitter


After hearing about twitter from several friends, and having NOT A CLUE what it's all about ... I investigated it this morning, after hearing that a Facebook friend, Axel, would be going solely with twitter, and soon.

Not wanting to miss out on updates from this particular Belgian, I opted to look into twitter, rather than dismissing it out of hand {which I did, just last week, when invited to tweet by friend Victoria}.

So, what the heck? I've now got a twitter account. is where you can find {and follow} me, if you like.

Want more information on this new trend? Visit them at for details.

-- Davi

1 comment:

ann said...

i joined long ago, just never twitter; think it's because i don't have an iphone. anyway, you know i'll follow you anywhere!