I am so excited, I can hardly contain my self ... last week, while spending 1/2 a day with my amazing friend Nancy, I came across a book that has me all a-twitter !!! {no, not THAT Twitter, not the social networking Twitter ... the kind of a-twitter that has one's heart pounding and one's knees quaking - THAT kind of being all a-twitter}.
So ... what is this $1 gem that I couldn't go home without?!
ADVENTURING IN HOME LIVING, Book 1 {oh my, does this mean there are MORE such volumes out there for me to find?! be still my heart !!!} -- a textbook by one Hazel M. Hatcher and one Mildred E. Andrews; with charming illustrations by Alice Freeman. You can't believe how incredible this handy dandy textbook was for the students of it's day.
It's day, by the way, was 1954. Yes, it was published by D.C Heath and Company of Boston.
So the premise was this, as their PREFACE so distinctly states it:
"Adventuring in Home Living, Book 1, a basal beginning text for young adolescents in homemaking education, has been developed in terms of three goals which the authors have attempted to achieve -- to write a book that students will enjoy, to exemplify teaching procedures which are educationally sound, and to write at the reading level of young teen agers."
I highly recommend you find a copy of this gem for your very self.
For now, though, I'll include some TEASER PAGES on the matter of ... Pressing. Or, as some of us call it today, Ironing. {Really, if one uses an IRON to get the wrinkles out, then where does "pressing" come in to play?} Anyway ...
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