My delightful mother-in-law Marion called to invite me to a women's spiritual retreat April 30 - May 2 here in the hills of East San Diego county, at Whispering Winds { } ... the same retreat that Mark and I will attend {separately} in October when we make our Cursillo { } retreat/s.
You may have read my last blog post, HUSTLING FOR WORTHINESS. I hope you did, anyway.
So Marion invites me to this Retreat, I tell her I'd love to attend, and then I run upstairs to look at some of Sister's writings ... lo and behold, Sister Macrina's meditation for Sunday, March 14 ... A PARTY FOR THE UNWORTHY ... jumped out at me. Worthiness? Unworthy people? Now that is just plain more than mere coincidence, don't you agree?
I'd like to "lift" that reading in its entirety here for you all to consider:
taken from LIVING FAITH, 2010:
A PARTY FOR THE UNWORTHY / March 14 / Fourth Sunday of Lent
" But now we must celebrate and rejoice ..." Luke 15:32
Embarassing as it is to acknowledge this, I often feel like the Prodigal Son's older brother. I completely understand his sentiments. He was not able to rejoice over another's good fortune because he was focusing on whether the recipient of his father's love was truly deserving. He was also wallowing in his own imagined neglect: I've been faithful all these years, and no one even noticed. Poor me! This gospel offers marvelous material for prayer and reflection for each of us. Are we able to rejoice with another when because of some good gift they've received whether it be a material gift, a promotion or new opportunity, an affirmation or reward? Or has our fountain of joy dried up because we are foundering in our own misery? Look deep within your heart to see if there may be a bit of rejoicing you are withholding. Practice being glad because of another's good fortune.
Oh most merciful One, teach me to throw a party for the unworthy, knowing that I may be the guest of honor. ~~ Sr. Macrina Weiderkehr, O.S.B.
Do we judge others to be "unworthy"? Do we judge ourselves as being "unworthy" ???
Let's follow Christ's example and find EVERY ONE OF US ... worthy ... of our respect, our kindness, our generosity, our joy in their gifts ... let us be gentle with ourselves and others.
And by the way, when I also discovered that my most favorite art teacher, Chris Cozen, will be in town again on the exact same dates as the Retreat, I had a moment, a twinge, of "oh, no, this can't be ..." Until I realized that I most need to be at this women's spiritual retreat at this point in not just my life, but in my art-walk as well. {but for those interested in taking the spot I would have filled at Chris' classes, you can visit Stamping Details at for class details; with my blessing!}
-- Davielle
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