and the next page was a continuation of the tribute to Frank & Edith's relationship ...
and this next page showed Mom as she got older, enjoying time spent with her children and grandchildren ...
Along with my brother Jay and my sister Francia, and our children and our grandchildren, we ALL remember {with a mixture of horror & delight} HOLIDAYS spent with mom ... because she was notorious for visiting Neiman Marcus as she got older, EACH CHRISTMAS SEASON, just to get a handful of their glossy red bags -- emblazoned with the NM logo in gold -- into which she poured all manner of goodies & surprises for everyone in the family. We each got our own bag, and this is likely where my passion for BAGS began ... be they gift bags, handbags, or grocery gabs {okay, so I'm kidding about the grocery bags}.
So where, you ask, did the horror come in? Mom was a prolific writer of poetry, and a holiday just wasn't a holiday, to her way of seeing things, unless she had Center Stage for a moment, during which she would regale us with her latest prose. THE FAMILY'S ALL TIME FAVORITE had to be her "Badges of Maturity", for the sheer shock value alone -- several of us, I clearly recall, snorted a beverage out our nose that Christmas afternoon when she ripped into this one:
"Ye Gods,
there are crinkles in my cleavage
a creping here
a sagging there
When did all this happen
It must have been while I was nappin'
or too caught up with doing
I certainly wasn't inspecting my anatomy
as carefully as I should have
while I was pursuing
life's demands and pleasures
else I really would have
these badges of maturity
that come with Social Security
Crinkles creping sagging there may be
but still in my heart is a dance
a romance
a spirit that is free."
-- Edyth Antelline, 1989
Niece Barbara had a friend or two over that day, and needless to say, it was a Christmas they'll never forget !!!
Mom was quite a character, and was ALWAYS a free spirit. She sure was.
We miss you, Mom. RIP.
-- Davielle, your youngest
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