I just spent the most wonderful week with our grandson, Trevor - age 13. He spent the week here with us, and Sunday thru Friday, I took him to Baseball Camp each day, and went back each afternoon to pick him up and spend more time watching the boys learn their craft. Their GAME OF CHOICE. And what a game it is -- full of energy and strategy and logistics -- I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, beginning to - and I'm sorry to see it -- end.
I would be remiss if I didn't give huge KUDOS to the folks who ran this Camp, AMERICA'S BASEBALL CAMPS, who can be found at www.americasbaseballcamps.com... check them out if you know and love a boy who plays baseball.
The COACHING STAFF were remarkable - inspiring, encouraging, intelligent, caring, talented men, all of them - and good TEACHERS to boot. Teaching and Coaching is an ART, as far as I am concerned - and you can either RELAY INFORMATION TO YOUR STUDENT in such a way that they will LEARN - or you cannot. The ABC coaches were all incredibly good at Coaching these young men and they deserve a huge THANKS ... which we gave them!
But now - I sure miss Trevor being here. It was one of the best weeks I can ever remember spending ... ever. Thank you, my wonderful grandson, for sharing your Camp experience with me. I even loved doing your laundry :-) !!!
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