Well, after the day I had YESTERDAY, I sure could use TODAY'S FUN DAY !!! But first, let me update you on my brother, Jay and my friend, Andi.
JAY is still in hospital - they did an echocardiogram AND a cardiac catheterization yesterday, and during the CATH, they replaced his two stents -- with ones from a different manufacturer -- and Haruko tells me you can SEE the difference in the photos -- yikes! photos of my brother's heart!? oh boy -- can't wait to see those -- hope I don't pass out or anything like that. :-) !!!!! Your continued prayers for Jay are MUCH appreciated. Thank you from all of us ...
ANDI, my friend and god-daughter, is STILL in the hospital, but finally, finally -- this is day 15, by the way -- it seems she should be on her Road to Recovery -- now. I stopped in yesterday with flowers for a visit, but she was 'sleeping' -- so peacefully -- just like Sleeping Beauty. One nurse said 'oh, go ahead & wake her up - she'll enjoy the visit from you and it's better if she sleeps at night anyway' -- apparently, THAT nurse did not realize (nor did I) that Andi had JUST had a procedure to clear a bowel obstruction - about an hour before my visit. So - Andi was not SLEEPING, she was SEDATED ;-) -- big smiles. {SO glad I was unsuccessful at waking her up}. Can't wait to see her today and tell her how much we are ALL praying for her.
OKAY - ON TO TODAY - oh boy! My friend Ann is coming over this morning for a visit, and then we're taking in a class on CREATIVE CORRESPONDENCE -- mostly how to create WAY COOL envelopes !!! at Paper Source's grand opening day! YAY YAY YAY !!!!! you can check out all the fun things happening at Paper Source -- not just locally (Carlsbad), but across the nation -- at their website: http://www.paper-source.com/
AFTER that cool class -- I get to visit my brother in the hospital, before I head to grandson Trevor's football game this afternoon -- go, Braves! Then, on my way home, I can stop to see Andi again.
What a day ahead -- and THEN, tomorrow, Kristina and I get to put Dad's special birthday gift together -- will post photos and details later.
Gotta run now ... God bless you and your day!
-- Davielle
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