.. for all wonderful sorts of things!
Like working indoors all day on filing, and labels, and baking, and stoking the wood fire in the living room. YES, we had to burn that thing all day long, it was so chilly and damp here today. A steady rain is a blessing, and with it, the first all-day-fire of the season. YAY !!!
I've been snapping photos, getting our Christmas Card mailing list {labels} finalized, even got a batch of Chocolate Chip Scones baked off this afternoon ... in time for a quick tasting of the homemade LIMONCELLO that Victoria and I made -- four of us took nice little shots of it, and I am here to tell you {yes, we all survived!} that it ROCKS -- our limoncello R O C K S !!! We thought it would need to "settle" into it's bad self, but NO WAY -- it's great right now.
As for the distribution of said Limoncello, if you've been REALLY Really really good to us this year ... you might just get a little bottle. If not, then all I can say is "better luck next year!" -- AND -- look at it this way: maybe Limoncello is not your "thing", and maybe we've done you a favor 'cause it COULD BE your "thing", and then think of the trouble you'd be in. Know what I mean?
Rocky received his first CHRISTMAS CARD via E-MAIL today ... photo here of his friend Cashew, who we're NOT allowed to refer to as his "girlfriend" -- she's JUST a friend -- but take a look:

So MY Photos of the Day include ...
this charming hearth-side scene of Rocky staying toasty all morning in the living room {his L L Bean coat with sherpa lining and waterproof outer layer has not yet been ordered - but he wants Kelly Green; he told me}
So I go from the above scene to THIS horror in our garage a few hours later ... it's not the first time a leak has commenced in the garage, originating, we believe, from the deck directly above OR even from the edge of the house where it meets the deck -- the HOT MOP GUY had to come back out once already to "repair" the problem -- looks to me, and to anyone with 200/200 vision, that it DID NOT WORK ??? what do you think?

But ah well, off to run an errand ... WAIT ... what's this? The "steady soft rain" all day that began in the night must have done more for the community than we thought! WHOA !!! Oh well, it's nothing unusual - whenever we have rain, THIS happens at the bottom of our Lane -- it just takes a quick call to the Public Works &/or Fire Department folks and they kindly come out and PUMP all that extra water away and sandbag around the drain.

TODAY they came out in record time. No, really. I put in the call at 2:10 pm, and by the time I got back to the Lane at 2:45, here they were, working away and just about done. NICE !!!

Oh, and DON'T even ask about our GE Monogram Refrigerator. The saga that is turning into a MINI-SERIES continues ... seriously, since the first week of September we've been battling an erratic Freezer & Fridge. We're considering an Amana French Door job for our wish list! We're SO over the Monogram ... but I do have a new very best friend at GE - her name is Kyra - she calls me every three days now, like clockwork, and I am SO impressed. She is the ONLY GE rep that's ever taken the initiative to CARE.
Like I said - DON'T ASK. ;-) But if you haven't gotten down on your knees and properly thanked your WORKING appliances lately, I urge you to do so - now. I'm headed to the laundry room to thank our Maytag Neptune w/d, because we love them so and they treat us right.
-- Davi