Friday night, before we left town for MLK weekend, our friends Ben and Julie treated us to a most wonderful evening ...

We shared the evening with Ben's parents and brother, as well, and I am certain we ALL enjoyed GW's piano playing just as much as we were surprised by his talents on the slack key guitar AND the harmonica. George Winston is one talented musician ...
I encourage you all to visit George Winston's website at to take a look at all he has to offer these days ... and visit it again in a few months, because he has plenty of new work coming down the pike.
My favorite songs of the evening were: RAIN, WOODS, BEVERLY (although I can't find Beverly on any of his CD's ... darn!), and of course, his mesmerizing and so-instantly-recognized VARIATIONS ON PACHELBEL'S KANON IN D.
As for the Birch North Park Theater, I have attended several events there, but there is NOTHING like sitting in the middle of the front row when a musician is sitting up there, just him and his Steinway, playing his heart out.
Thanks so much, Ben and Julie, for inviting Mark and I to join your family for this amazing evening.
-- D.
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