Thursday, January 1, 2009

Life ...

"Life has got to be lived -- that's all there is to it."
-- Eleanor Roosevelt

Happy New Year, everyone.

I think Eleanor has made a fantastic point here, one well worth taking to heart -- LIFE has just got to be lived. How simple is that? {you'd be surprised ...}

Me, I'm the curious type, and I always love to hear what others are RESOLVING for their New Year.

If you want to know what some others around the country are resolving for 2009, take a look at this little article:

Closer to home, this article covers a news segment on making NY Resolutions, with a focus on our children:

And here's a link to the TOP TEN NY Resolutions -- pretty generic, but worth taking a look at:

All I asked one of our daughters for Christmas was that she STOP SMOKING - or at the very least, that she cut way back. I didn't quite get that promise out of her, but I sure hope she'll make this heart-healthy NY Resolution -- for her sake, and for peace of mind for all our family.

Please comment to this post with YOUR resolutions, but remember -- if they're too "intimate" in nature, you may want to just give me the more public ones here!

HNY, everyone --

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