Katherine, with her love Spencer Tracy (above, left) - Audrey spans 3 decades
The depth and breadth of their abilities, and of their beauty, is almost beyond words.
Some of my favorite KH movies include THE PHILADELPHIA STORY, ON GOLDEN POND, GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER, BRINGING UP BABY, and WOMAN OF THE YEARTHANKS TO MY FRIEND ANN, I just learned of something exciting ... visit this link to find out all about the Katherine Hepburn Theater, opening in Summer 2009:
in my humble opinion, Audrey rocked any & everything she ever wore
Some of my favorite Audrey Hepburn movies are SABRINA, ROMAN HOLIDAY, FUNNY FACE, and BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S

"I'm a personality as well as an actress. Show me an actress who isn’t a personality, and you’ll show me a woman who isn’t a star".
- Katharine Hepburn

If Hollywood had its own Mount Rushmore, Cary Grant's profile would be the most prominent: the hair that Katharine Hepburn mussed in Bringing Up Baby (1938), the eyes that Eva Marie Saint couldn't quite meet in North by Northwest (1959), the lips that locked so breathtakingly with Ingrid Bergman's in Notorious (1946), and, of course, the cleft chin that fascinated Audrey Hepburn in Charade (1963). For more CG images and insight, visit this cool site: http://www.imagesjournal.com/issue05/features/carygrant.htm
That's it for my morning musings on Katherine & Audrey ... two lovely ladies, inside & out.
-- Davielle
I'm writing to let you know that the Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center and Theater will be opening this summer (2009) in Hepburn's beloved seaside town of Old Saybrook, Connecticut.
Come see the website: http://www.katharinehepburntheater.org
Be a Founding Fan of the theater at our Facebook page at:http://apps.facebook.com/causes/178598?recruiter_id=17660434
We'd love it if you'd link to us on your site to help us spread the word about this "little gem of a place with a movie star name."
I was trying to think with all my might how I might have led you to hear about the Katharine Hepburn theatre, who is this other Ann????
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