So here's how it went ... our "Jam Session":
this is the scary part ... the recipe calls for more cups of sugar than fruit ..
Victoria did the lion's share of the stirring -
this is the scary part ... the recipe calls for more cups of sugar than fruit ..
Victoria did the lion's share of the stirring -
isn't he photogenic?!
I mean, look at that smooth move. how are her panties not showing?!
For a little TIME TRAVEL reality check, view these YouTube clips of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE, circa ... present time.
So far this season, and it's early on yet, THIS samba by Kayla and Max {who has now been sent home ... Max, that is} .. was HOT HOT HOT. take a look:
And last week, Jonathan and Karla did the most beautiful dance to a very romantic, very moving love song .. FALLING SLOWLY .. this SO gave me chills:
Okay, humor me ... just one more ... Jeanette and Brandon did a DISCO number {yes, I said DISCO number ... can u believe it?!} that was insane -- there is a lift near the beginning - you'll know it when you see it - that just takes your breath away. WOW.
Well, that's all, folks. I hope you enjoyed this stroll down memory lane, as well as the flash-forward moments to the SYTYCD clips. :-)
-- Davielle on a Sunday night
is there someone you should be giving flowers to; to warm their heart?
and this - this. an ear tag. # 212. THIS is my "cow a day" and I just love her.
I hope you've enjoyed the WRITING ON THE WALL {and the rock, and the ear tag} ... and if one of these SPOKE to you, I sure hope you'll leave a comment and share what's on your mind or in your heart.
-- Davielle
counting my BLESSINGS, and signing off from Solvang - headed for home !!!