On a far more serious note {versus my "280" post this morning}, I was made aware on Sunday of a very important concept ...
the 3/50 project: saving the brick and mortars our nation is built on
{click on this post's title to link to their website}
It's a rather simple concept, and one that I encourage you all to consider and adopt. Here we go:
SAVE YOUR LOCAL ECONOMY ... three stores at a time.
Think about which three independently owned businesses you'd miss most if they were gone. Stop in and say hello. Pick up a little something that will make someone smile. Your contribution is what keeps those businesses around.
If just half the employed U.S. population spent $50 each month in independently owned businesses, their purchases would generate more than $42.6 billion in revenue {employment statistics courtesy of U.S. Department of Labor Statistics; 2/6/2009}
For every $100 spent in independently owned stores, $68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll, and other expenditures. If you spend that in a national chain, only $43 stays local. Spend it ONLINE and nothing comes home.
The number of people it takes to start the trend ... you.
PICK 3. SPEND 50. Save your local economy.
Visit the350project.net for more details today!
So where did I hear about this project? I was shopping at EMBELLISHMENTS in Leucadia {a community of Encinitas}, and when I was checking out - with a couple of birthday gifts for Mark in hand - they told me about it.
If you live in So Cal, I encourage you to visit this little gem of a cards-art-gift shop ... "Julie" from Cardiff had this review of EMBELLISHMENTS to leave on the internet:
"This by far is the best and most exquisite gift shop that I have ever been to. It's located in the mini Gold Coast Mall in Leucadia and it really is a place where dreams are made of or at least spawned. The owner has great feminine taste in her selections of handmade papers, European ribbons, artistic outlet plates, cool and colorful jewelry and boxes to put them in. It's everything from romantic to peaceful to vibrant. The energy in the shop can't help but being great as well."
photo posted to 'net by "Julie", who loves EMBELLISHMENTS as much as I do
And when I left EMBELLISHMENTS, I was headed to RHINO ART, just down the road. RHINO ART used to reside in Solana Beach; I have been so happy to have them in the 'hood ever since they built the cool quonset-hut-style building they're in and moved here to Encinitas. Sure, I can pick up some supplies at Michael's {the big chain}. Sure, I can drive all the way into San Diego for a visit to Dick Blick and to Artist & Craftsman {and I have to say, I love them both}. But RHINO, it's right here. And they're so nice, and helpful, and if we can KEEP THEM OPEN by shopping there -- I say, let's do it. Let's spread what 'wealth' we do spend around.
YES, I shop online. But mostly for things I cannot find locally.
I sure hope it's okay with the 3/50 project folks that I shop -- both locally, at as many independents as I can ... and online for special gifts that can only be found, oftentimes, at places like ETSY. I do try to steer clear of the big-name vendors. Really, I do.
YES, I shop ETSY. But that's because everything there is either ONE OF A KIND, HANDMADE and/or VINTAGE. And I believe in supporting artists and artistic folks by shopping Etsy. Just take a look here at one of my favorite Etsy artists, Kelly Rae Roberts; and then, take a wander through any and everything else at ETSY that interests you. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=25902293
But when it comes to shopping, say, for scrapbooking, crafting, and art supplies ... I have to say ... STAMPING DETAILS in Poway; SCRAPBOOK YOUR LIFE in San Diego; EVER AFTER in Vista; GIGI's in Carlsbad; and the aforementioned RHINO ART, ARTIST & CRAFTSMAN and DICK BLICK-SAN DIEGO are the best around.
I thank you for taking on THE PROJECT 3/50; please post a "comment" telling us which are your three favorite independently owned businesses in the community.
-- Davielle
Davielle, I LOVE this! So true, so true! Thanks for the link to this place, which I'd never heard of!! - we try to shop at local independents as much as we can - the personal thing (beyond the money back into the community) can't be beat - so great to read of others committed to this!
Karen, thank you for commenting. I rec'd emails (tho' not comments here) from friends saying the same thing. If we ALL try to keep the independents in mind - our communities will be less-hard-hit than they could be .. the Economy (yes, with a capital E) has been so in-the-doldrums ... let's support our neighbors. Let's make them our friends! xo to you - Davi
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