Well, my friend Victoria and I had quite an exciting evening watching the owls -- unfortunately, NONE of the photos that I took on Friday night came out worth a darn.
However, the shots I caught last night (Sunday, the last day of May) are "okay", and worth a quick post here.
You'll have to keep in mind -- it was WAY DARK OUT, and my camera is just a Canon G9 -- so not capable of a lot of zoom, and not capable of great night shots --- I do have the most success using the ISO setting, which is meant for the inside of museums where you need a lot of light AND you can't use a flash.
how cool is this? one of them taking flight !
These ALL had to be "edited" -- they have been cropped, they have had their brightness, contrast, and some even the color -- adjusted. But I don't have PhotoShop, so they're not all that great.
Still, they're a testimony to our Great Horned OWL BABIES and their parents, and we're pretty stoked !!!
Thanks for following our owls - I know that a lot more of you read these posts than comment, 'cause I get e-mails about the owls and how cool you think the posts & photos are ... I sure wish you could comment on here ... bloggers LOVE comments, you know :-) !!!
-- D.
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