Saturday, June 13, 2009

GLENN DEAN: The Untouched Splendor of California

Some years back, when Mark and I first began collecting Early California plein air paintings, especially by what they call "dead artists" (it's obvious what that means, right?) ... we also stumbled across a group of young artists working in California and the rest of the West that were quite remarkable.

We were invited to an Artist's Reception at MORSEBURG GALLERY in West Hollywood -- and we attended, because we wanted to meet all these exceptional young artists. To this day, we are in touch with Eric Merrell and Glenn Dean - just two of the ten that were represented at that Show.

Jeffrey Morseburg, director of the Gallery, is a most engaging man. He made us feel welcome and comfortable, and he always takes the time to chat with customers, whether they are first time visitors to the Gallery or have been a hundred times. He has great energy, and his passion for Historic art is rather 'catching'.

A couple of years back, we attended an event at THE LODGE AT TORREY PINES that featured contemporary plein air artists - some of the best working today - and we ran into Glenn Dean at that event.

Today, we received an invitation from Glenn Dean to attend a Gallery Opening of an exhibition of his work at another fine gallery, this one in San Francisco:

Mark and I are always impressed when galleries known for exhibiting and specializing in EARLY (ie, dead artists) CALIFORNIA ART chooses to work with a contemporary (still living; working in present time) artist. That JOSH HARDY has chosen to work with GLENN DEAN is truly an honor, I'm sure, for Glenn.
We wish we could visit San Francisco for the opening of Glenn's show ... and we know his works will sell in a SNAP of the fingers and a BLINK of the eye.

Good luck, Glenn, and congratulations.
-- Davi and Mark Huffman

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