Friday, October 31, 2008
Astir in the Acorn
What do we live for ...

me, holding two future CCI graduates - 2005
"What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other?"
'Canine Companions for Independence enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships.'

These photographs are of some of my personal favorite CCI pups-in-program ... they have been or are being raised by VOLUNTEER PUPPY RAISERS for CCI from the age of 8 weeks to approximately 16 months, when they are returned to CCI for their Advanced Training. If they make it through those six months of Advanced Training, they graduate to a life of service to a person with a disability. WOW. Do you know how life-changing that is?
that's me (again!) with CCI pup LANDIS
(now released from CCI's program, LANDIS is working in Arizona with a lovely couple that does Hospice work)
By clicking on this link, you will be taken to the Home Page of the SOUTHWEST region for CCI ... alternatively, you can visit CCI at for information on their progams nationwide.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pretty in Pink - reprised

go to donate now
type in her name (Linda Dreyfuss)
double click on the SD event (she is also crewing in AZ the week before) to reach her web page.
You can also cheer along the way (any kind of distraction while walking 60 miles is wonderful). The walk starts at the Fairgrounds on Friday morning and follows the coast, finally going “inland” to Petco Park for the closing ceremony on Sunday. You will be able to get more details on the route just before the event by going to
Want an idea RIGHT NOW? This, from the pages of PINK (Nov 2008) :

After a nice long walk with your pooch, or a snuggle with your kitty, how about treating them with TREATS from this oh-so-couture (that's JUICY COUTURE) Jar (also from Nordstrom):

Faithful readers, that's about all the PINK I can muster up this morning, as I have to run Dad down to the VA for some blood work (routine stuff).
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Acorn House ...
See what YOU think:
'Nowhere else is it possible to feel quite so virtuous while stuffing yourself with the finest food and drink the planet has to offer.' -- ES Magazine
'eco-cooks listen up: if you want to know what's in season and how to cook it The Acorn House Cookbook is the perfect guide.' -- Square Meal Magazine
'The recipes are simple and delicious... It is a wonderful thing that we rediscover the joys of gardening and food cultivation.' -- New Statesman
Combining great food with environmental principles, this original cookbook presents a bevy of meals for those who love cooking and care about the planet. Each dish is designed to eliminate wasted ingredients and is oriented towards using fresh, natural, and environmentally friendly foods. Award-winning chef Arthur Potts Dawson draws on his experience at The Acorn House—a leading environmentally-conscience restaurant—to provide a wealth of information on identifying seasonal food, outfitting an eco-kitchen, and using sustainable cooking approaches and techniques. Packed with tips, useful advice, and an inspiring narrative, this innovative guide presents a culinary revolution that meets the environmental and culinary needs of the modern cook.
Arthur Potts Dawson meets Martha Stewart - I love it !!! I would like to take a peek inside these covers:
And if we ever get back to London (I hope, I hope), it would be nice to visit this restaurant ... ANYONE who likes Oak Trees enough to name their property 'Quail Oaks' should definitely eat at a place called Acorn House - right?
I can dream, can't I ???
-- Davielle
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Dishes as Therapy
I've always always always considered hot sudsy water to be really 'therapeutic' - now if I could just get as into the Zen of, say, scrubbing floors, we'd be in terrific shape.
Here's to YOUR therapeutic household chores, whatever they might be -- care to share? POST A COMMENT (puh-leez, post a comment ... sometimes I think - no, I KNOW - that Ann is my most loyal and just-about-only faithful blog reader - LOVE YOU, Ann !! and heck, she HAS to read my blog, 'cause she STARTED me on this venture :-)!)
Anyway - tell me YOUR fave task. I thank you for caring enough to share.
-- Davielle
Every Blade of Grass ...
-- The Talmud
Isn't that the truth? I believe it; do you?
Look at this beautiful, stained-glass-like leaf ... it's fallen off the Rogers Red grapevine in our canyon ... I took this photo yesterday.
If God didn't have a hand in that, I don't know who did!
-- D.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Reminiscing ...

YES, it's been a great year - we are truly blessed - and these don't even reflect all the fun with our "grands" this year -- Trevor hitting his first HOMERUN ever, followed in the same game by his second; followed just days later by THREE homers in one game !!! Kaia and Kiara were recently featured on this blog at Kaia's 9th b-day celebration ... YES, it's been a mighty good year.
Financial Crisis hits HOME
The promise I've made to him is multi-faceted ...
ONE: I will read all the books I already have on hand - before I buy another book. Barnes & Noble would have to send me a Starbucks Card for $50 and a drivered Limo to pick me up before I'll step back inside {for now}. Well, maybe nothing that elaborate, but it doesn't hurt to dream, right?! {stop laughing - stop rolling on your floor laughing - I can do this - you'll see}
TWO: I will borrow books from the Library to read BEFORE spending our (read: Mark's) hard-earned money on books for our own library. If they are worthy, then I'll think hard before buying them -- would I ever re-read them, and are they likely to be read by our houseguests or borrowed by our friends -- IF "yes", then okay. Maybe. {this is going to be oh-so-hard for me}
THREE: I will make our Christmas cards using the supplies I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND in my darling craft room {see photo herein, if I can find it !!!}. I will make other cards - the same way. I will work on our Europe 2008 photo albums and scrapbook -- ditto -- using supplies I already have -- NO MORE SCRAPBOOKING PURCHASES {unless absolutely necessary / unless something runs out like adhesives, etc ... / unless the item is SO DANG IRRESISTABLE that I cannot cannot cannot fathom life without it in my 'collection' of supplies} HALF the charm of this hobby is just in the GAZING UPON these lovely things ... is that true for anyone else out there, or am I just -- related to a Magpie?!
So there, my faithful blog readers, is my list. My Promises to Mark. It's going to be a daily, no, a moment-by-moment STRUGGLE for me -- shopping for scrap & craft supplies & groceries & books is an ADDICTION for me -- it's my Betty Crocker/Martha Stewart side coming out, without the Income-Earning-Breadwinning-Woman side to balance it out.
I need a support group ...
-- Davielle
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Channeling AUDREY

Friday, October 24, 2008
It's going to be ...

oh yes, another day in paradise. Crisp, clear, sunny ...
it seems its to be yet another HOT day around here.
I think I'll start the morning with ... coffee with my friend Nancy, followed by a quick get-together with daughter Kristi, followed by a stop-off back at home to check on Mark and Rocky {not necessarily in that order}, and then it's a late lunch with my girlfriend Willie, who I haven't seen in ages.
So -- when am I ever going to fit in the HOME AS MY HOBBY activities of the day? Hmmmmmmm ...
After all that, I'll surely need a catnap, I think. Like I said, "another day in paradise".
Wait - that's not me that said that. It was ANNE TAINTOR, a kitschy vintage humor artist that I just adore ... you can visit Anne at her website, for all the fun!
Get out there, friends, and have your VERY OWN "day in paradise" ....
- D.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
There's Just Nothin' Cuter than RAT TERRIER PUPPIES

What's in a Name?
But it doesn't "say" anything ... about who I am, or what I'm about, or what my blogspot is about. So my question (and it's a compound one!) is this:
SHOULD I RE-NAME THIS BLOG? Something more personal? Something cute & catchy? Something more descriptive?
IF YOU THINK I SHOULD CHANGE THE BLOG NAME (ie, web address), do you have any suggestions? I'm all ears ...
Thanks for getting involved in this process -- I sat there last night, watching "DWTS, The Results Show" (and after that, ELI STONE, episode two) and I kept jotting down ... random thoughts and ideas for just this subject.
Looking forward to hearing from more than 1 or 2 of you on this ...
-- D.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I just discovered a new blog, TAYLORED EXPRESSIONS, by a darling gal in Pasadena, CA {one of our favorite places to visit, ever, anywhere) ... I was so taken with a card she had posted on her blogspot that I just had to share her blog address on my own! Sadly, I could not save the photo of her adorably BABY CARD featuring the "Diapers, Bottles & Pacifiers - OH MY !!" stamp, BUT I was able to save the image of the clever Stamp Set that it hailed from {see it above}.
Visit her blog and just scroll down to view the card in it's finished form for yourself - it's SO DARN CUTE :-) !!!
And here is her blog address:
I hope this Blog Posting finds you doing well, feeling creative, and enjoying this crisp Fall weather - it's definitely chilly tonight - I'm wearing a jacket with a cashmere scarf to Bible study tonight. Hey, what time is it? OOPS, gotta run !!!
-- D.
Celebrating with Miss K !!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Super Dog Contest - Winners Announced by Dean Koontz
I offer this cheery story in loving recognition & memory of ... the late TRIXIE Koontz, former CCI graduate dog and beloved pet (in her retirement) of Dean & Gerda Koontz ... and quite the accomplished author, too, I might add. Trixie's photo appears here:
Happy Birthday, Dear DEBBIE ...

Sunday, October 19, 2008
on a HAPPIER note

101 Ways to GET A LIFE ...

Saturday, October 18, 2008
A truly SWEET story

Friday, October 17, 2008
the Fortune Cookie says ...
October 17, 2008
Rocky gets his nails trimmed this morning, and then I get my nails done later today. Rock Star and I have coined today "Beautification Day", and he's asked me to launder his fave blankie, the one he lays on in the dining room, in the sunshine, chewing on his Nylabones -- all day -- well, all day except when he's whining & woofling at the front window 'cause he sees LIZARDS outside.
My office -- it's coming along -- there's more to be done, though, so this is SHORT for this morning. (I'll just bet you're relieved ;-) !!) Will post some photos later on ...
-- D.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Does anyone read my blog?
You are probably thinking to yourself (if you're even READING this entry) "who does she think she is? does she think it's all about HER?" -- and you would be -- right. And yet, wrong.
In it's basest sense, YES, a Blog is -- all about (fill in the blank with the blog author's name). But isn't that the point? So that friends and family can KNOW (or get to know) what that person is all about, and what they're up to?
See my quote, friends, in the left-hand column - the quote from John Muir. For me, it is the perfect way to express -- why I blog. To stay CONNECTED. So you see, I can also argue that it's not all about ME, but it's about wanting to stay connected to ... YOU.
And - it's a way that I can comfortably express myself. I don't work, and right now, I'm not involved with any particular "committees" in the community. So I am not getting that "involved" feeling. You might ask why I don't just re-up with one of them, then. Well, for a number of reasons. It is time to take a break from DOING and work on -- myself, my home, my marriage. Although some might argue that it all sounds quite, I don't know -- selfish?
But when you really, really think about it -- is it selfish to put one's health and one's family - first? I don't think so.
My creative energies need restoration; my communication-with-my-family-and-especially-with-my-husband skills -- need a tune up. So -- call me selfish, but I'm working on THOSE priorities, and to help me maintain my sanity through it all -- I blog.
You might think I post too often to my blogspot. That's okay, you can think that. Heck I think it myself. But I do what I do, and it's my blog. If you want different rules, then maybe you should have YOUR own blogspot, too. It's a lot of fun - once you get rolling.
So please don't judge or criticize me for having a blog, but if you DO HAVE AN OPINION - like my photos or entries or content is -- boring? not cool enough? LET ME KNOW. I love a good interchange.
Our youngest "grand" has a birthday tomorrow - she's 9 - and so it's a BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION WEEKEND for us -- and I'm looking forward to it.
Have a great afternoon and evening, folks.
-- D.
Want a little peek at some truly ARTFUL blogging? I find Somerset magazines (all of their publications) to be incredible eye-candy, inspiring, beautiful - to digest and peruse and take ideas from. Check this one out:
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did!
the morning dew, the sun, the clouds, the trees, the flowers, the birds.
Today, none of these miraculous creations will escape my notice.
Today, I will share my excitement for life with other people.
CUPPING - a whole new experience - kinda crazy, kinda cool
Heard of it? You may have read, earlier this year, that Gwyneth Paltrow caused a stir at a New York film premiere when she appeared in a low cut top revealing a back covered in large circular bruises. At first glance they looked like large love bites, but in fact they were caused by a form of alternative therapy. Gwyneth had cupping, a kind of acupuncture.
Ingrid, my acupuncturist, told me that I better remember to tell Mark what I had done the minute he gets home - she's had patients go home & forget to mention it, and their spouses thought they had hickeys !!! (those would be some giant hickeys, though, wouldn't they?!)
For anyone who thinks I am a big baby -- here's proof that I can TAKE IT with the best of you! LOL ...