Sunday, October 19, 2008

on a HAPPIER note

On a hap, hap, happier note {than my last post here} -- I have been faithfully checking the blogspot of Kelly Rae Roberts ever since my friend Ann turned me on to KRR a few months ago ... KRR is a most gifted mixed-media artist, and she just oozes charm & integrity. (her blog link is in the column at left, on MY blog).
So I heard Kelly Rae mention this thing called Art Nest, and I thought "hmmm, wonder what that's all about". THEN, in the current issue of Somerset Life magazine, VOILA!, there it was - an article all about ART NEST and the two lovely-sounding ladies who put it all together, Candice and Julie. Their site is at: and their blog is at: -- CHECK THEM OUT if you want to be inspired & then envious of the lucky participants who have experienced an Art Nest Retreat. Ooh la la, it sounds like a vacation to aspire to.

Ah, dreams --


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