"A man is no greater than his dream,
his ideal, his hope and his plan.
Man dreams the dream and
fulfilling it,
it's the dream that makes the man."
-- Anonymous
What another profound quote from that fellow, Anonymous.
Author Pat Farrell has this to say about each and every one of us PURSUING OUR DREAMS, with regard to any nay-saying one might hear from others about the subject:
"I'd like to suggest two things:
1) that you become unstoppable, and
2) that you encourage those who share their dreams with you to become unstoppable.
She also says, in her book, 101 Ways To Get a Life:
"One small supportive remark can often mean the difference between success and failure. Maybe some of the people who, up until now, have been unable to tell you 'go for it' have never received any encouragement."
Go out and SUPPORT SOMEONE ELSE in their dream/s ... and feel free to ask them for their support of YOUR dream/s ... in return.
Happy Sunday, Happy November, Happy DREAMING,
me, I'm dreaming of some day, one day, my very own HERMES KELLY BAG - yesterday's choice was RED; today, I'm leaning BLUE. Anyone interested in "supporting" this little dream of mine (!) is welcome to contribute to this worthy cause .... WAIT - how selfish of me - it's a HANDBAG (oh, but what a special one it is).
-- Davielle
interesting pic - my daughter goes back to work today!
I feel I need to clarify about the whole PURSE dream I have going on; so on Saturday I was feeling the RED and yesterday I was feeling the BLUE. Mind you, those choices have absolutely NOTHING, ZIP, NADA to do with ... my political leanings. 'cause if they did, then I'd stick with RED RED RED and wouldn't even consider the BLUE. However, this being an equal-opportunity DREAM of mine, to one day have a Kelly Bag to call my own - I can pick ANY COLOR of the rainbow. :-) -- D.
I really like the blue, too. How much are they? We could go in together and share. You wear it for one week and I will take it for the next. I could take it to Vons, Bible study and on Darryl's and my walks on the beach Sat. mornings. Where would you wear it and what would you wear with it? I'm kind of a blue jean kind of girl, that's why I like the blue better.
Love you,
Francie, I think I'd have to stick with the RED ... as Mom once taught me, RED is another "Neutral" and as such, it just about goes with ANY & EVERY thing ... well, maybe not with the color Orange. ;-) ... They are pricey little buggers -- if you Google HERMES, you'll see -- and the waiting list - is CLOSED. You have to be royalty (the REAL DEAL, or Hollywood style) to get one any more. ELITISTS !!! Still, a VINTAGE one could be found - for about $4,000 if one is diligent. I found this one today:
"This hard leather Kelly was bought in Paris and dates from approximately 1976. It is rich and luscious in a breathtaking espresso brown. A real rarity. Take it to Cafe Flora or Deux Magots next time you're in Paris and even the most surly waiter will be at your beck and call. The initials "GP" are added but can be changed at the Hermes in Paris or NY unless of course you are Gwyneth Paltrow and want a bag of age and substance instead of a pedestrian new Kelly or Birkin which any parvenu can obtain.
Condition: Excellent
Price $2995.00"
-- STILL DREAMIN' - your sister
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