Isn't that sweet? Motherhood can be so tender.
As a life-long horse lover {okay, so I've always loved ALL animals, but horses have been at the TOP of the list 4-ever}, it's hard for me to go too long in between ANIMAL-focused postings.
Today, I'd like to ask that anyone so inclined ... consider giving to organizations that serve our Equine friends ...
Not that I'm expecting birthday gifts this year {to celebrate my 50th}, but if anyone were to ASK me what I'd like ... THIS is what I'd be asking for ... contributions {in any amount} to organizations like the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary at www.gwtc.net/~iram/index.html
OR to Ever After Mustang Rescue in Maine at http://www.mustangrescue.org/
OR visit the site for the Bureau of Land Management that features their work with wild horses and burros at http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/wild_horse_and_burro/how_can_i_help.html
And thanks to my friend Vickie, I can add this one - After The Finish Line -
A group that provides financial support / rescue assistance for thoroughbred horses once they leave the track {and for everyone who knows my history with the Del Mar Race Track and the horse racing industry, you'll know right away why I am including this link}: http://www.afterthefinishline.org/
So - not that anyone's asking - but THAT's what I would consider a beautiful, meaningful gift.
Okay, so maybe not for me, but for ANYONE on your giving list that loves animals.
Please consider the horses this giving season.
I thank you.
-- D.
Davi~ Check out this AWESOME program just outside of Nashville near the historic town of Franklin. I was privileged to observe one of the lessons this past Wed. where my sister volunteers. The horse/child connection is a beautiful thing, and these SPECIAL kids are amazing!
Thought you might enjoy this...
saddleupnashville.org judy
sorry Davi, there should be a space after the web address :-( I'm not part of the website.
tee hee!!
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